The First Stitch is the Hardest

And within those wrinkly old hands lie great power.

Everyone knows what knitting is. You either had that great aunt who sent you lumpy pumpkin-colored sweaters branded with your name every Christmas, or you browsed the cable-knit cardigans section at H&M. But whether it was those eye-searing sweaters you shoved away and only dug out when she was coming to visit or something off the rack that cost you $102.36 at the register, they were all made the same way. Take a close look at both of them and you’ll find the wool or yarn or the latest and greatest in synthetic fibers – they’re all created using the same basic technique, the same DNA whether it’s a shawl or socks or a vest. Sure, there’s a million different stitches out there and the sweater from H&M was probably mass-produced by a cold, soulless machine instead of your grandma’s knobby, wrinkly hands. But in the end, the technique is the same: a series of endless loops bound together to create something out of what was only a ball of yarn before.

And you too, the average internet citizen, can learn how to join the ranks of sweater-knitting grannies! All you need is some yarn, two knitting needles, and plenty of time and patience. It can be a little bit of a struggle in the beginning as it feels like you’re only tying knots and making some sort of creative abomination, but anyone can knit. There will be mistakes, you will be frustrated, but in the end, you’ll be proud that you made something yourself – something that’s unique and wholly yours. Not to mention you could go ahead and get a head start on knitting terrible Christmas sweaters for relatives you’ve never even met!

Just sit back, relax, and let me show you… the knitting way.

(Did you see what I did there?)

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